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By:  Jill K. Widmann

Patience is a virtue. How many times have we heard this? This statement is considered by most to be a fact. It can be of great help to remember these words when one is dealing with a cat. Cats are interesting creatures to say the least! They are like a wind up toy that has a mind of it’s own. They love to get into mischief and create fun whenever they decide that life is too boring. The amount of trouble they can get into seems to have no end. When one comes home from a long day, or has much stress in their life, it can be somewhat annoying and frustrating to deal with the antics of a cat who seems to be trying one’s patience. But…there are some things that are helpful to remember when your kitty decides he or she is the boss.

First…remember that your cat needs to get exercise. House cats are indoors constantly, and get “cabin fever” the same that any human would get being constantly confined to one home. It is important for them to just “let loose” by running and playing and getting all of that energy out. They will get better sleep and may sleep longer if they have their exercise.

Secondly, remember that they love to impress you and are excited to see you if they haven’t seen you much that day. When a human comes home at the end of their work day tired and needing to rest, a cat sees that as the highlight of their day!! They finally get to see their human, their best friend, after waiting all day long for them to come home. When we look at their side of the picture, then how can we get upset with them for needing some attention? Time for our patience to come in.

Third, remember how lucky you are to have your kitty love you so much. For me, I don’t know what I would do without my cat sometimes. She is like my best friend who is a live teddy bear. She unstresses me just patting her soft fur, and she is there for me when I am sad or lonely. Our furry friends deserve our patience just as much as any human does. After all, they are our companions, best friends, and family and they bring us endless joy and love. Patience…it truly is a virtue.

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